Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Sopranos vs The Wire

There's a major lull in new TV right now. Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Veep and most network fare is on hiatus, and Breaking Bad doesn’t come back for another month. So now is as good a time as any to catch up on one of the many shows I haven’t seen but probably should have, especially considering I have a TV blog. So, give me your opinion using the poll to the right, and if you’d like to make your argument (or suggest something else) in the comments, even better.


  1. The Sopranos may seem more dated than The Wire, also, some of the later Sopranos episodes were kind of crappy. The Wire is excellent and i plan to watch it again at some point (still got to catch up with Falling Skies and maybe Copper first).
    Id say check out Justified if possible. It has at least one dude from Lost during one season!

    On the comedy front, if you havent watched Party Down (originally on Starz of all places) its pretty funny. It has Adam Scott (the boyfriend on Parks and Rec and also went to high school with Jay, Joel and I) and Martin Star from Freaks and Geeks (I assume you've seen these).

  2. Justified would be on the list, but it's not on Netflix like I thought it would be. I forgot we have Amazon Prime and it looks like I can stream it for free, so maybe I'll check it out that way.

    Party Down is so great. Such a great cast, and so funny. One of my favorite things is when Martin Starr's character can't let it slide that dragons are considered fantasy, not sci-fi, and totally blows it with that girl. I feel like I could relate to that on some level.

  3. His character is a great "nerd-dick" type. You want him to win but he's just too much of a dick. I wish there were more seasons.

    you need a computer hooked to your tv so the world of "every show ever" opens up to you.

    I fell asleep at the end of this weeks episode of True Blood and now have to rewatch the last 10 minutes. I hate when that happens. Especially on shows that are kind sucking but i still dont want to miss what happened.

  4. Yeah, Party Down goes in the file of "Canceled Too Soon" with Freaks and Geeks and Happy Endings.

    I've got the cable to watch things from my computer, but I generally try to keep all my media consumption above the board these days, which means no torrents or streaming from shady sites. I've only broken my own rule once in recent history for This Is England 86 and 88 (a post on that coming soon) only because it's not available in the US in any form. Even then I think I just watched on YouTube in super low quality with Spanish subtitles.

  5. I haven't watched the Sopranos (we actually just watched the first two episodes), but I loved the Wire. So far, the Wire is as close to real as TV has gotten for me. It's kind of tough to watch, but the pay off when you think of the series as a whole is really worth it.

  6. I've been meaning to start watching the Wire. I think I will forever take a pass on the Sopranos.

  7. Well, the Wire is definitely winning. I was leaning that way too, since there's a few less episodes. But I'll get to the Sopranos someday. You should watch the Wire at the same time as me (we can watch some together, if you want) so I have someone to talk to about it.

  8. I vote the Wire because it has chalky white.

    PS We never got far into Dexter as well.

  9. I didn't include Dexter because it's not available on Netflix anymore. If anyone has the seasons on DVD/Blu I'm into watching.

    And yeah, Chalky White! I'm pretty sold on anything that dude does now.

  10. I would be totally down to watch the Wire with you

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi. I had to look up who chalky white was. Oh Lordy, he is Omar Little. I am excited for you guys to watch it.

  13. The first season of the Sopranos is perfection to me. I don't care if all of the rest of it doesn't measure up to those standards, because it's not really possible to maintain that kind of quality. Much like I will forever respect a band with one perfect album, I don't require more than that season to place it in the pantheon of greats, alongside the Godfather and Goodfellas
