Tuesday, February 25, 2014

True Detective and Women

As I briefly mentioned yesterday, I’m obsessing over True Detective the same way everyone with HBO is. I don’t need to tell you why it’s so great, you’ve either already heard or already written it off, I assume. I watched the first five episodes in fairly quick succession, and I was ready to bestow the mantle of “Better Than Breaking Bad” on it, when it was pointed out that some people feel that it’s depiction of women is less than great. It’s always a bad feeling when I find out something I like is found questionable, as if I am guilty by association. Instead of repeating what I’ve read or defending the show, I’ll just link to these two articles. The first by Emily Nussbaum from the New Yorker, the second from Britt Hayes at Screen Crush. I think both make valid points, but I especially like Hayes’ piece. Of course, I would, because it puts me at ease and validates my thoughts that just because women are treated poorly on the show, it doesn’t mean they’re treated poorly by the show. I still wonder though. I mean, I think I know what the makers of True Detective are trying to say, but are there still a  bunch of jerks out there who think the depiction of tough guys and submissive women is cool, and something to aspire to? What do you think?


  1. I haven't seen the show so I'm really talking out of turn -- completely uninformed -- but I wanted to say that I think the depiction of how women are treated by Buffalo Bill on Silence of the Lambs is also less than great.

  2. Good write up. True D is great, but definitely portrays women and men very stereotypical. However, I grew up around people like this and they do exist. (SPOILER ALERT) They're sort of doing what they did in the last episode of Sherlock Season 2, making the smart guy out to seem like he's behind it all and that's how we was able to solve the crimes. Kinda bummed about that, but I like where they went with the most recent episode. Hopefully they don't dwell on that idea. It's a great show!

  3. blah. I mean, if the reason we have all that gratuitous nudity is because this is through the point of view of messed up men, then that invalidates the use of the story they tell voiced over the images of what really happens. Why is it necessary to show women in ridiculous sexual situations? I think the first article makes an interesting point that the root of the show is about terrible, horrible things done to women (as crimes), but the show itself can't actually give women characters any dignity or respect. I hope we see more from Maggie and I'm glad we still got to see Rust's butt (for equality's purpose, of course). I hope that Maggie has more to hide then just the loss of her dignity ... I hope she's not telling the whole truth, because it's more interesting then her affair with Rust.

  4. Man, I was so stoked when I thought Gabba wrote all that!

    I get what you're saying about showing the women in those situations. I think those scenes are important to the show, but I agree the ones with Hart and the younger ladies are a little over the top. The scene between Cohle and Maggie seemed legit to me...and not just cause we got to see some Rust butt. It was quick and intense and uncomfortable. And I don't necessarily agree the show hasn't given any of the women any dignity or respect. Maggie owned those two detective when they were questioning her ("In a former life, I used to exhaust myself navigating crude men who thought they were clever, so ask your questions or I’m leaving") and even the madam from the brothel/ranch dropped some hard hitting truth on Marty. Plus there's two episodes left. Like you say, I'm holding out for Maggie to come into her own a little more. She's covering up something, so I'll be glad to see her reasoning.

  5. I have more to say than this, but that illustration on the New Yorker article is perfect. I am honestly getting distracted by how often Woody makes a certain chewing on his cheek face. I've decided he either has chewed tabacco in the past or still does.

  6. Dude, for sure. Hart's expressions in that show are amazing. I don't know if I like the "chewing on the cheek" or the "seething with rage" more.

  7. Woody and Matthew are fucking dynamic. I also can't wait for Bates to come on next week. Has anyone watched the first season?

  8. I think Ben and I need to get cable.

  9. I read on the internet that Gabba liked seeing Rust's butt
